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Warwick Analytics in the Press: Digital Marketing Magazine

How to get More Insight from Complex Voice of the Customer Data

The big data revolution has meant that there are nuggets of insight within customer data everywhere: CRM data, reviews, complaints, enquiries, surveys, social media etc. The ability to harvest and analyse these data in an automated way to provide predictive, actionable insight is a holy grail for marketers and customer experience professionals.

However, across all organisations, ever-expanding amounts of data remain unanalysed, primarily due to their growing size and complexity. And of course, the mass of these data is unstructured or in their raw form. Unstructured data such as text, image, audio, video, machine and sensor information all present major issues for organisations and the data scientists they employ. It is estimated that between over 90% of data in existence today is unstructured. However, organisations are just not able to access this insight. Some commentators estimate that less than 0.5% of data is currently analysed.



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